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Me & Yogi Berra

Well, as I said in my last post, I've had a lot of work lately. In fact, this week will be a 7 day straight stretch for me:

Mon: PA on shoot for Yogi & A Movie with baseball legend Yogi Bearra
Tues: Intership with documentary company
Wed: Green screen shoot with Dave - not sure where or what yet
Thurs: supposed to be intership again, but need to go and work pre-production at the production company in Queens for the next shoot
Fri, Sat, Sun: 3 Day shoot for a local commercial in long island

And then Monday I go to work at the production company to do follow up!!! What a week! Still - I'm so not complaining - it's mostly paid work and it's with good people, and my rent, groceries etc etc will be covered.

But back to Yogi Berra. For those of you who don't know, he's a baseball legend. Yankees catcher and then Manager, Hall of Famer, and a statstical record that probably means something amazing if you follow baseball which unfortunately I don't.

However, he's also renowned for his personality - his sense of humour and his funny sayings.

The day went really well - as I said, it's for a segment called Yogi & a Movie. When there are rain delays, the channel shows these segments which are usually sports based movies, with little linking segments with Yogi. It was a lot of fun to hear him talk. I was hoping to get a picture with him, but the timing wasn't right, and at the end he was tired, so it was just easier to let it go and not to look star struck. It also would have been a little cheesy too, especially as I'd only vaguely heard of him before today.