Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm back beeyatches!! (Mark II)

I hear you.. Oh what a slacker!! I emailed her, commented on her blog, sent her pictures, left her messages on Facebook, she never responds - what's up with that???

I know it has been forever since I posted, but I really have been extraordinarily busy, and not the kind of busy where you sit at a desk in front of a computer. Busy like: get 4 hours sleep, go out into the wilds of New York City and State, find many and varied locations for filming, and negotiate with the owners, come back to an office or my apartment and merge all of the pictures together (maybe 3 or 4 hours worth) and then crawl into bed, only to wake up the next day and do it all again.

That's when I'm not on set for 12-18 hour days, or moving to new parts of NY.. or finding time to go to a bbq or dinner, or just hang out at a neighbourhood spot for a couple of hours of down time.

So quick summary before we move ahead for those who missed it:
* I moved to Brooklyn. I spent a lot of time hanging out with my friends in the Bk, and when it came time to move, Brooklyn seemed like the logical place to be. I don't know why I needed convincing - I love living here! Currently sitting out on my back patio with a glass of wine while I write this. Am soooo going to get a bbq so I can have bbqs out here over the next couple of months!

*I've been working with a bunch of different people, doing a bunch of different things, increasing my employment base, and networking opportunities.

*I met a whole bunch of new people about 3 weeks ago, through very random circumstances, and have made a whole bunch of new friends - now if only I had the time to post pictures online of the bbqs and book clubs I've attended, hopefully I won't lose these new people as my friends, and still hoping I haven't lost my old friends as work keeps me so busy I don't even notice months vanishing before my eyes.

*My parents are coming to visit and we're all going to Hawaii!!!! Haven't seen my family in 2 years, so really looking forward to that. Plus - real beaches!!! Blue water!!!! Scuba diving with beautiful fishies, and turtles and manta rays!!!

So expect little postings again from me - little wry anecdotes about cultural difference, some of my fave quotes from overheard, some very vague industry anecdotes (very vague - hey I still want to work in this town!) - you know, the usual.

Hopefully you'll all still come visit and read, and hopefully you'll comment now and then, just so I know you don't all hate me for vanishing off the face of the earth!

Oh, and hello to all the people still finding me by searching for how far they can park from a hydrant in new york - the answer is Within 15 feet (5 m) of a fire hydrant, unless a licensed driver remains in the vehicle to move it in an emergency. Watch me shoot up to the number one google spot!!