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I'm back beeyatches!!

Yes - hello again... mea culpa for a long hiatus.. was working like crazy and never had time to answer email, write blog posts, return phone calls or even clean my room - I have piles and piles of things that need to be gone through and sorted.But I'm back - so hopefully there's still a reader or two out there who haven't forgotten me....

It wasn't like I didn't want to post while I was gone, just that whenever a great idea for a post came to mind, I was usually on set, not near a computer, or if I was online, I was in the middle of some huge emergency and couldn't stop for anything.

So a quick summary:
* had a work accident and had to go to the emergency room - yep I'll be posting about that with pics.
* worked my ass off on a tv show which I've just finished working on, also worked a commercial with a very big name star, and have just done some scouting for a reality show.
* met up with 3 different cousins - one who lives here, and two who came to visit
* had one of the best meals of my life for my sister-in law / sister-in fact's birthday dinner
* read some great books
* joined a newer networking site, and found myself explaining why I didn't have time to respond to greetings over there either
* went on two brief trips to the Bahamas and Montreal - yep, will be posting with photos.

I'm sure a bunch of other stuff has happened too - but will need to retrace my steps so I can even work out what I missed and where I'm up to.

This year has flown by so fast I feel like my head is spinning - there's no possible way it can be November already.. my calendar still says September, and the last time I changed it, it said May or June... where did 2007 go???

So stay tuned for more updates, and please drop a comment or two so I know I haven't lost you all...