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If there's one thing that really bugs me, it's conspiracy theories. You know what I'm talking about - any recent disaster / tragedy was really some evil plot perpetrated by [insert name of alternative ethnic or religious group here] in order to make someone else look bad; aliens are real and the US Government has had specialists working with their undercover agents for decades; the CIA did it [can be used in reference to pretty much anything].

This isn't to say that (a) no-one was responsible for bombings, massacres and disasters (b) there aren't some pretty unexplainable things out there in the world (c) that the CIA hasn't done some pretty messed up things in different countries all around the world.

However the idea that a well organised governmental machine put every little piece in place, and had amazing control of every single detail, and managed to cover it all up, and no-one has found out about it seems ridiculous to me.

On two recent jobs I've had to deliberately extract myself from people who wanted me to know THE TRUTH about something. First one was some 9/11 conspiracy theory. I was in the middle of working, I had been having a reasonable day up until that point, and I did not want to engage in any kind of debate about how some third force was really responsible and had their agents secretly infiltrate the US Government to use them to help bring down someone else and blah blah blah blah blah. I told him I didn't want to talk about it, and when he pushed it, I stared at him and said, "some things I just don't want to talk about, ok?" Maybe he thought I was personally affected by the tragedy, but I just couldn't listen to another word.

The second one was alien talk. I'm sorry, but there may be life on other planets, sure, but to think that they all live here amongst us undetected and that they are called greys and blues and the US Govt has some sort of deal with their leaders... well I just walked away from the lunch table..

More effort should be put into saving our planet from environmental disasters, getting rid of third world debt and helping provide food and shelter to those on our planet who have nothing to eat and nowhere to live. Some of the food wastage I see here is unbelievable, and the lack of consciousness about rudimentary recycling depresses me.

Good on you girl - tell 'em like it is.

Reality is difficult enough to believe without making it up.

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