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Much needed update.. Part 2 Beyond Xmas

So December was very slow work-wise.. so slow that I began to wonder if it was ever going to pick up again, or whether I was going to have to start applying for office jobs..

However I managed to pick myself up from the gloom and achieve a few things, as well as meet some people, do some networking and social acitivity, and try not to spend too much of my non-existent money. However Xmas is a big-spending time of year, and try as I might rent and bills just didn't go away.

I spent Xmas in Florida (see previous update below) and then came back to NY to find my apartment had no heat or hot water for two days. We called all the numbers and eventually it came back on, but it was cold and I couldn't actually shower, which was awful. When I told a friend of mine that it took two days to fix it, he said, "well, what do you expect? You live in the hood." This from a man who lives in a warehouse in a so-called dodgy part of Brooklyn, and who grew up in the Bronx in the 70's.

The whole building was out, so none of us were happy, although it did give people something to say to each other in the hallway of the building. I've become friends with one of my upstairs neighbours. I was sleeping on an air matress when I first got here, and then saw an ad downstairs near the mailboxes for a bed for sale. I went and checked it out, and met the people who live upstairs - the guy who was selling the bed of course moved out, but his room mate and I got on really well and have hung out a few times. I'm also making friends with some of the people I work with, and with a few through other people I've met along the way.

One of these was a guy I met at a party. He's an actor, and he was in a play that was part of a series of short plays based on the themes of nudity, blasphemy and violence. Kind of like Short & Sweet in Newtown for those of you back home. So I went along to see the plays, and it didn't even occur to me until I was almost at the theatre that he might actually be naked...

Sure enough - first play, there he is, completely stark naked with angel wings, playing the archangel Gabriel. Of course, I'm not someone who's bothered by nudity, but it was one of those moments where I forget people I meet here don't know that I used to work in the arts, and that at one point almost everyone in my department had seen the Manager naked from his days as a performer with the Sydney Push.

... with only a red ribbon.. I didn't ever see the show.. I heard the stories, but didn't see the show..

And yet I don't think you missed anything.. ;^)

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