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You win some, you lose some part 2

I was made redundant (as we like to say back home) from another job recently. Unlike the first time where production is likely to pick back up in June, this was something that was supposed to go for 5 weeks and I only got to work 2 of them. The reason behind it may or may not have been legit, but I'm going to trust the gods and believe the reason they gave me, which was around a budget issue, cos I'm trying to be positive and not think badly of people.

In any case, this is how this industry goes - I know this. HOWEVER, unlike last time where I'd been burnt by telling people I wasn't available, I had been very coy about exactly how long this gig was. In fact 2 days before I got a phone call to say it was all going to be over, one of the companies I work for had asked me how long I was going to be on that job, and could I tell them when I wouldn't be available.

"Oh, I'm not 100% certain, things are still a little up in the air", I'd responded, feeling a little bad for not being completely honest, but remembering what had happened last time.

Sure enough, this was the best answer, because a few days later I was back on the phone trying to see if they'd already found someone for the job they'd offered me a few days earlier that I'd had to turn down, and luckily they could still slot me in.

But more disappointingly, I had been offered some fill-in production co-ordination work, that I'd had to turn down, and when I tried to pick it up again, they'd already given it away...

Back to hustling for work...

Good Luck on the hustle

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