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Much needed update.. Part 3 New Years; new friends

So I spent my first NYE in New York since I moved here. I've done it once before - I was 17, my family and I did the whole Times Square thing.. except as my bro and I had never seen the New York Times Square extravaganza, we had no idea what the hell the whole ball thing was or why we were supposed to be looking for it.

This was different. My brother has lived here for several years, and he has a whole bunch of different friends. We went on a party bus that took us around to a whole bunch of different parties. I had a great time - the bus was excellent and not at all cheesy; the parties were fun, and the people I was hanging out with were great. Got to know a few people I'd met before a bit better, and met some new people. Ended up in a place in Brooklyn after the sun came up, and got home around 10:30am! One of the best NYE's ever, I'd have to say.

The other night I went to a party in the BK (aka Brooklyn) for the birthday of one of the guys who I'd met several times before and had been on the bus. He's been here for a long time, originally from the UK, and a lot of the people who came to his party were people I'd met before - or met NYE. It's very different meeting people in a much more sober context than the first time you met them... luckily nothing too embarrassing had happened, and seeing them all was a good thing.

So I now have a bunch of new people from various contexts that I'm getting to know. Some of them make an effort, but some of them are what is known as "flaky", which is a kind of new concept for me, but I'm hoping not to be too put off by it. This year I've decided not to stress so much about things like people being flaky - I'm just going to keep doing my thing, and I'm going to meet lots of people and make some really good friends. Most of the people I've met so far have been guys - well I'm working in a very male-dominated industry. But I really miss hanging out with my girls. Looking to make friends with a bunch of strong, intelligent, independent fun and feisty women to hang out with.. and guys too of course! so if you have friends like this in NYC, holla at ya girl ;^)

That NYE Party Bus sounds delightful; I wanna do it next year!!! Funny, the new years that I got home at 9 a.m. was also my best NYE. :)

Love, Love, Love the MOMA...and I (and two guests) get in free thru my job, so if you ever wanna go, shoot me an email...oh wait, that was another post. Ah screw it...

Hey SE! thanx for dropping by.. yeah it was another post, but I knew what you meant - that sounds great..

hmmm you may not see this, given it's a comment on my blog to an older post... Ah screw it - I'll drop by yours or send you an email :^)

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